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Address -

American Legion post 15

18251 CR 498

Lindale Texas 75771

1) A majority agreed on a "Pot Luck" type feed - that way everyone can share the vittles and cuisine

of the 'Chefs' in the District. Bring enough for your family, what you would normally eat on an outing

and I believe there will be enough to go around.

2) Now for the competitive events:

Bar-B-Q Cook Off

Pistol Competition**

(** The American Legion Post #15, has a very nice Pistol Range. For non-Members there is a Range Fee of

$10.00 per person. You will have to furnish your own weapon and ammunition. Chuck Bones, Sr Vice Commandant Dept of Texas and Member of the Jacksonville Detachment, has volunteered to be Range Safety Officer (PMI) and will hold a brief safety course of instruction before hand.) Side arms does not include 'sawed-off' shotguns!

3) There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies for each of the above categories. This could prove to be

a Great Day in the "Out-of-Doors" for the family. Get your teams together for whatever category (or all 3) you are going to participate in and let's get representation from all Detachments.

Oh, I almost forgot. Lufkin recommended we get a "Dunking Barrel" setup somewhere and have "Mr Bones" as the Dunkee!!!! 


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