Marine Corps League
Marine Corps League
Jacksonville Texas Detachment #1381
Jacksonville Texas Detachment #1381
Once a Marine, Always a Marine
Once a Marine, Always a Marine
If available, Badge is $20.00
Please contact for availability here.
As of June, 2019 still waiting on approval. spread the word to all MCL Members.

Hello Marines and Associates.
This is the Honor Guard Badge that we are promoting. It is about one and three quarters of an inch in diameter with two pin style backs. Size of a 1 3/4'' Coin.
(Note: Hilt on NCO Sword will be Gold)
If you wish to mail your order, give Detachment Name. [Please check for availability here, before ordering]
please make check out to: MCL Jacksonville Texas Det 1381 for $20.00 per Badge
Mail to:
MCL Jacksonville Texas Det 1381
P.O. Box 573
Jacksonville, Texas 75766
Fort Smith Arkansas Honor Guard with an order of $422.50
Jacksonville Texas MarDet's own
"TOP" Hamby - $101.90
Larry Sgt-at-Arms - $100
Dee - $100
and several Members from Detachments around Texas and the Southern Div.
Thank You!!!!
The purpose for this Badge of Honor is to recognize Members that preform the greatest service that a Marine can give to our fellow Veterans. Honor Guard Ceremonies are preformed at a moments notice and most Members have to take off from work to Honor our Fallen Veterans. This Badge of Honor recognizes the Quiet sacrifice our Members make to honor our Brothers and sisters. Even if you do not Participate or are Qualified to wear this Badge, please donate to help others. (This badge enhances the Honor ribbon that was recently approved for wear )
Please be advised this is not approved "YET" for use on the MCL uniform.
I hope that it will be approved. We will continue to submit this to National until it is.
This will help with the approval process to have a Badge on hand other than a picture.
Once approved, it will need to be approved for wear on the MCL uniform by one of the following:
Detachment Commandant, State Commandant or National Commandant.
Qualifications will be at the discretion of the Detachment, State and National Commandant.
The suggestion is: Badge is to be worn on MCL uniforms by Honor Guard Members only. Member must perform in 3 Honor Guard Ceremonies before authorization to wear the Badge. Badge to be located on the center of the right breast pocket for white short and long sleeve MCL shirts, center of right lapel on the casual red blazer and same when red blazer is used for formal wear. Option is pending for the Staff NCO blazer. Suggestions appreciated.
The location and qualification will be up to National.